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2020 Sponsor Feature: Lumber Punks Perth

They’re the Lumber Punks and they’re more than okay!


Matthew Pope, Bobbie Sox (centre) and Sugar du Joure

Axe throwing has become a fun new hobby for many here on the west coast.

All done in a welcoming and fabulous site in East Perth – open 7 days a week, 5 sessions a day for all your weapon throwing needs. Fun only comes second here because safety comes first!

Our man about town, the excellent Bobbie Sox is one of Perth’s Lumber Punks. And it’s been an exciting year for them.

We chatted to our favourite man about town about axe throwing, playlists and when PIBF met Lumber Punks on 1st October!


Q: Tell us about Lumber Punks..

Bobbie: Lumber Punks was started by two guys who wanted to get some friends together and have some axe throwing competitions in Queensland.

The first venue was on the Gold Coast, second in Brisbane, and the third was opened in Perth in September 2019. It’s Perth original axe throwing venue and is still bringing in new and repeat axe throwers every day of the week.

Q: What would you say are some of the benefits of throwing axes at a target?

Bobbie: The thing that I love about throwing axes is that ANYONE can do it.

I have had so many people walk through the door and be hesitant or scared about doing it because they’re scared of not being good, or the axe being too heavy, or so many other reasons.

But when we work with them and show them that they CAN do it, the smile on their faces brings so much joy to everyone around them. Getting over that hurdle of actually throwing an axe and getting it to stick in the board is a massive achievement and I love seeing them feel powerful.


Q: PIBF recently did a takeover at Lumber Punks – what was it like having a deluge of showfolx throwing axes?

Bobbie: Having the PIBF artists come into the venue was such a surreal experience!

Firstly, having to lead a large group of fully sequined performers on how to throw axes was a little intimidating. Secondly, having to deal with the number of feathers that were left in the venue was an amusing experience.

Seeing the performers come together for the first time and interact, chat, laugh, throw axes, and get to know each other (maybe for the first time) was lovely to see.

The Sugar Duchess has done an absolutely awe-inspiring job at bringing everyone together and producing a world-class event that I still pinch myself at being able to be a part of. I was just lucky to be working at a venue that was open to working with her and creating a unique experience for the performers.


Q: What tips would you give to first-time axe throwers?

Bobbie: The biggest thing is to not think about it too much. You have an axe in your hand, there’s a target at the end. It’s all about intent.

Wearing closed in shoes are a must and also keep your mind clear with no alcohol beforehand. Build up the thirst while slinging steel then go and boast to your friends over a drink afterwards!

Q: What tunes are on your axe throwing playlist?

  • Steel Panther – Eyes Of A Panther
  • Disturbed – Down With The Sickness
  • NOFX – All Outta Angst
  • The Bronx – Youth Wasted
  • Monty Python – Lumberjack Song (obviously)


Itching to throw some axes?! Want to say hi to Bobbie? Book your session at Lumber Punks Perth

Photographs in this article are by Wild Kat Photography & Morgan Ainsley Cornell