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Imogen Kelly, photographed by Leslie Liu


Please all be upstanding for the Queen

PIBF is delighted to have Australia’s Queen of Burlesque, Imogen Kelly as a Featured Artist in 2021.

We asked Imogen all about what adventures brought her over to Western Australia, and all her adventures since she arrived:

1. You’re a PIBFfeatured artist this year – what are you looking forward to?

I’m so excited to be on stage again! I am looking forward to getting glammed up and shaking off the funk of COVID.

I have created a new act on my travels and I am thrilled about performing its world premiere at PIBF. It’s wonderful to be making acts again.

I am most looking forward to seeing the other acts and enjoying the backstage buzz!


2. What does burlesque mean to you?

To me, burlesque is a form of self-expression that uses the removal of layers to tell a story. It can be sexy, or it can be a parody- but always it is provocative.

Burlesque is about teasing people- whether the tease is sexual or more about teasing their minds, misconceptions, and social mores.


3. The Australian Burlesque Museum are the PIBF’s chosen charity this
year – what does this mean for the museum?

I’ve supported the Australian Burlesque Museum since its conception and am thrilled to see it thriving.

My hope for it is that it grows in either direction- not just preserving and celebrating the contemporary,
but also preserving and archiving the past; which is one of my main drives as Australia’s Queen of Burlesque.

I stand to remind people that Australia’s Burlesque history is nothing like American burlesque history. Our history is queer, underground, and incredibly vibrant.


4. Tell us a bit about how you ended up in WA, are you looking forward
to spending time in Perth?

I am loving my time in WA, although it is coming to a close. My husband, daughter and I started on a road trip from Sydney in June with a 4WD and camper trailer.

We intended to do a few basics – whale sharks on Ningaloo and a visit to Broome. Delta variant struck and sadly NSW has battled on through extended lockdowns.

We ended up going all through The Kimberley, traveling across Gibb River Road. We got to the Bungle
Bungles and pretty much just turned around and headed back down the coast to Margaret River.

We are currently staying with Lunar Circus and helping them to prep for their upcoming circus festival. It’s been
absolutely smashing.

I am looking forward to catching up with friends in Perth before we do the massive drive back through Alice Springs and home.


5. What can West Australian audiences expect from Australia’s Queen of Burlesque?

I am bringing a new act. I’ve yet to name it. It is inspired by the jabiru as I loved its glossy feathers- and the starkness of its black and white plumage.

However, on completion, it looks nothing like a jabiru because these creations all have personalities of their own and take on their own forms once I start making- especially if I am limited by materials. In fact, it’s a new species entirely!

Puppetry is a part of my style and the puppet is super fabulous. At some point in these acts though I dissolve the illusion of being an animal and become the essence of the bird/ creature. That’s where the unexpected magic happens!

I don’t use feathers in the making of my acts and haven’t done for some years now. I like to show people that if you are creative you don’t need to use animal products.

The act is unusual in the world of burlesque as my style is truly unique, yet it has the hallmarks of a burlesque queen: performance-skilled, sexy, and fun.

Catch the Queen of Australian Burlesque while she’s over West– all Perth and Regional shows are selling fast – shake a tail feather and grab your tickets!